Walking Pen-y-Ghent

13 September 2019

When you stay in one of our luxury holiday cottages in the Yorkshire Dales, you might be interested in finding some great hikes near your accommodation. We understand that the perfect hike is different for everyone, so you can trust us to talk about the difficulty of a hike as well as how long it is and what you can expect to see on your walk.

In this blog, we’ll talk a little about where you might want to park, the walk itself and what to do in the area afterwards.

Why You Should Climb Pen-y-Ghent

Yorkshire is famous for its three peaks, of which Pen-y-Ghent is just one. We have previously discussed Walking in Ingleton where we showed you some tips for making the most of a day out in this quaint country village, along with noting parking and walking fees. In the future, we will also cover Walking in Whernside which starts by the impressive Ribblehead Viaduct.

Pen-y-Ghent, however, is the subject of this blog, and it offers good paths with great views; what more could you want from a hike? Learn more about the virtues of Pen-y-Ghent and how best to approach this walk if you want to make the most of your day.

Where to Park for Pen-y-Ghent

There is plenty of parking space around Pen-y-Ghent on average, but this does run the risk of getting quite busy during weekends and bank holidays – and with good reason; this walk is popular. On the other hand, if you get there early then you can find free roadside parking around Horton in Ribblesdale, or you can use the pay and display car park for £4.50 per day.

Walking Pen-y-Ghent

This peak is often cited as the first of Yorkshire’s famous three for many, and this is because it is quite child-friendly. This means that it should be slightly easier than the other two peaks, as well as being perfect for the whole family, not just hiking couples striking out for an adventure.

Pen-y-Ghent is a circular walk that covers 6.6 miles taking approximately 3 hours and 15 minutes, reaching 694 metres at its highest point with walkers achieving a total climb of 505 metres from their starting position.

There are toilets available in the pay and display car park and Horton has some pubs and cafés for you to visit before or after your trek. Once you’re ready to begin the walk, you’ll need to head right from the car park and follow the road towards the Golden Lion Hotel. Once you pass the hotel, you will see Pen-y-Ghent looming in front of you.

If you’re approaching Brackenbottom Farm, then you know that you’re on the right track, but make sure to turn left at the wooden signpost before you actually pass the farm. This route will take you to a well-trodden footpath running alongside a country stone wall. If walking this route during a stay in one of our a dog friendly holiday cottages, remember to keep you dog on a short leash here as there are plenty of sheep.

View on snowcapped Pen-y-Ghent in North Yorkshire, Thursday 28 December 2017, Yorkshire Dales, England.

Looking back, you should see a fantastic view of Horton, Ingleborough and Whernside, but pressing onwards you should be slowly ascending towards the trig point. Simply follow the path, heading for the right-hand corner of Pen-y-Ghent. If you find yourself climbing human-made stone steps, then you are on the right path.

Before you reach the top and the trig point, you will reach the hardest part of the climb as the path gets steeper and less clear. You may need to engage in a little scrambling before you succeed in reaching the peak.

Upon reaching the peak, you might want to stop and engage in a snack to prepare you for the route back and take in the view (assuming it’s a clear day). Having reached the trig point and ready to turn back, you can begin your descent by crossing a wooden stile towards a wooden signpost and following signs to Horton. This path follows the edge of a cliff until another sign taking the path to a sharp left.

Remember, it is always dangerous to stray too far from your path when embarking on a hill walk, although you may be tempted, we can only ask you to take care as a detour on this section will take you to Hull Pot where a stream disappears into a two-hundred-foot drop down a vertical shaft.

Follow signs to Horton along Horton Scar Lane on the left, be aware that Hull Pot is nearly one hundred metres long so if it’s a misty day ensure that you and your fellow walkers stick close to the path. Once the houses of Horton come back into view then you’re in safe territory and the walk back should show itself with ease.

Where to Eat after Pen-y-Ghent

You’re sure to be looking for a fantastic pub dinner or a café hot chocolate following your incredible achievement. There are plenty of pubs, cafés and restaurants situated in and around Horton, including The Crown Hotel, Pen-y-Ghent café and Bindbeck tea rooms. If you’re willing to venture further afield then you can find more sustenance at the Middle Studfold Farm Tea Room, or by travelling to the inspiring Helwith Bridge and visiting the local Inn.

The view from Pen-y-Ghent is something that stays with people for life, so add this peak to your list of activities and make it a holiday to remember. You can find more things to do in Yorkshire by reading more of our blogs, or by booking one of our fabulous luxury holiday cottages in the Yorkshire Dales and exploring it all for yourself.

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