3 Easy Walks in the Lake District for Beginners

4 June 2018

The Lake District is a beautiful area of Britain and is wildly popular with all different types of holidaymakers - from young families, single couples and older people wanting a few days away. One of the things the Lake District is known for is the abundance of great walking routes, although if you are on holiday with your family, are a bit older and want something less strenuous or just want to have a relaxing time, hiking for hours up fells and steep hills may not be for you.

Have a look at some of our best walks for beginners and those wanting a relaxing time with a little bit of fitness thrown in.

Pooley Bridge to Gale Bay

Pooley Bridge to Gale Bay is a relatively short walk and suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness. It lasts for about one kilometre and is fully paved so those in wheelchairs and with less mobility will be able to enjoy this walk. It is a linear route along the shore of the Ullswater with some spectacular views along the way, and also a resting place, toilets and a café halfway along.


Kentmere walk is a little longer at around 3.75 kilometres. Some of the route is uphill but it’s fully paved and electric wheelchairs and buggies are still able to get up it. Even the steep sections are worth the climb as you will be treated to spectacular mountain views when you reach Kentmere Horseshoe. The fitter and more adventurous can continue climbing once they reach Hartmore Farm, but those less able can go back down the same route with ease.

Blea Tarn

Blea Tarn is the perfect walk if you want something not too strenuous but with a bit of spectacular mountain scenery. It’s around 1.5 km long. This route is usually accessible for everyone but at some time of year water damage can occur and block off paths, so phone the tourist board ahead of travel.

If you’re interested in a simple walking holiday this year, why not book a luxury holiday cottage in the Lake District. Millhouse Cottages also have property in the Yorkshire Dales, so wherever you want to go, we’ve got you covered. We have breath-taking accommodation suitable for that perfect romantic getaway in the Lake District, places for your family to enjoy the scenery and places for you and your friends to enjoy in our group accommodation.

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